Dr. Sriram Naidu
Dr. Sriram Naidu, MD, is a practicing cardiologist (heart specialist) located in Garden City South, NY. Dr. Naidu graduated from Brown University Alpert Medical School in 1962 and has been in practice for over 53 years. He specialized in internal medicine at New York University. Currently, he practices at Sriram Naidu MD and is a member of Winthrop University Hospital and Westbury Community Health Centers in Westbury, NY.
Dr. Naidu on his experiences with the Powerinsole:
"A patient had chronic peripheral neuropathy in the lower extremities due to diabetes. He tried several medications for neuropathy, which resulted in little or no improvement. Since using the Powerinsole, his symptoms have significantly improved.
This device appears to be a breakthrough in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, which is prevalent in this society."