Finally pain-free!Discover the revolution against heel spurs.

The Powerinsole® - your innovative solution for enhanced quality of life. Backed by scientific studies and over 60,000 satisfied users.

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Why does the Powerinsole help against heel spurs?

Der Aufbau der Powerinsole grafisch dargestellt

Imagine waking up every morning with stabbing pain in your heel. That small thorn-like protrusion, known as a heel spur, is often the result of irritation to the bone caused by tension or pressure. Not only is it painful, but it can also affect your daily activities and well-being.

Now, imagine you could feel the power of science in your shoes, targeting and relieving your heel spur.

The Powerinsole® isn't just any insole. It's a personal energy booster on a cellular level. Similar to magnetic resonance therapy, it sends tailored frequencies directly to your cells with its specially developed technology. The result? Relief from heel spurs and support for a variety of other 'problems' such as muscle soreness, pain from injuries, fatigue, heavy legs, muscle adhesions, and cramps.

Logo dartsch scientific - Powerinsole ist zellbiologoisch geprüft
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Powerinsole is scientifically confirmed

The positive effects of Powerinsole® have already been confirmed in numerous studies!

Experten sind von Powerinsole überzeugt

Experts are convinced.

"I tested the Powerinsole together with colleagues from sports medicine at our clinic in Girona, and we are thrilled." - Dr. Daniel Castillo Isern

"The Powerinsole I'm currently using personally showed very good effects for me in many respects." - Dr. med. Dipl.-Biol. Olav Müller-Liebenau

Powerinsole konnte in einer Anwenderstudie überzeugen

User Study

"The study involved 191 mixed male and female participants aged 17-61. According to the responses to the well-being-related questions, the Powerinsole contributes to an improved sense of well-being. Participants reported subjective improvements not only in various pains but also in their overall well-being."

dartsch scientific besätigt in einer zellbiologischen Untersuchung die positiven Effekte von Powerinsole

"Cell Biological StudyPublication: J. Med Stud Res 2020"

At a microscopic level, cell biological investigations have shown that the frequencies of the Powerinsole® have positive effects on cell health, leading to improved cell regeneration and increased oxygen levels in the tissue.

Bewertung sehr gut - in einem unabhängigen Test von Apotheke.BLOG

Independently tested

Not only are our customers convinced - in a test by, the Powerinsole® was awarded 4.9 out of 5 stars with the quality seal 'Very Good'!

Powerinsole has over 60,000 satisfied users.

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Hubert Blutsch-Zehetner erzählt von seiner positiven Erfahrung als Tennisspieler
Hannes Költringer schwärmt von den positiven Effekten von Powerinsole: Reduzierung der Regenerationszeit, besseres Wohlbefinden und der Reduzierung vom Muskelkater
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This is how Powerinsole is applied.

Using Powerinsole® is quite easy. Simply remove the film and stick the Powerinsole® into the shoes. If the positioning is not comfortable, you can easily remove the Powerinsole® and reposition it.

Thanks to the special active gel, you don't have to commit to wearing the Powerinsole® in just one pair of shoes; you can switch it from shoe to shoe as needed.

We explicitly point out that the Powerinsole is not a medical product, but rather these effects are described by users who have used the Powerinsole. This is considered a positive side effect. However, the product is not marketed for the purpose of curing or improving diseases.

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Powerinsole is simple and flexible for everyone.

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